TSSU hires Karen Dean as new Grievance Officer

The TSSU is very pleased to announce the hiring of Karen Dean as the Union's new Grievance Officer.* Karen has spent 25 years advocating for Canadian labour unions, including the Hospital Employees' Union and the Canadian Farmworkers' Union. She has also worked as a health advocate for the Skidegate Band Council in Haida Gwaii, advocacy coordinator of the Tenants' Rights Coalition, and executive director for the Elizabeth Bagshaw Women's Clinic, as well as served on the the B.C. Labour Relations Board. This wealth of experience will now be applied to serving the TSSU membership.

Karen's first day on the job was Wednesday, June 11, and she is working out of our AQ 5130 office (the Coordinator has shifted to AQ 5129). Karen can be reached at kdean (at) tssu.ca. Welcome Karen!


* On May 27, the TSSU General Membership unanimously approved the hiring of Karen at a GM meeting attended by 40 people; the decision was subsequently endorsed by the Union's Executive on May 29th.

Since 1978

The Teaching Support Staff Union (TSSU)