TA/TM Day and Social - Friday, September 7th

This Friday, September 7th will be the 33rd Annual Fall TA/TM Day at the SFU Burnaby campus. Presented in collaboration with the Teaching & Learning Centre, TA/TM Day is a perfect opportunity to learn more about your TA or TM responsibilities, develop your teaching skills, grab a free lunch, and get a handle on the particularities of teaching at SFU. All TA/TM Day sessions are free to TSSU members, and no registration is required. More importantly, all members are entitled to up to 6 hours of paid professional development time per appointment. So make sure to keep track of those TA/TM Day hours!

TA/TM Day features 22 different workshops for teachers of every experience level and disciplinary background. TSSU is offering two especially important sessions for first-time TAs and TMs in the 10:15 - 11:00 am and 1:45 - 3:00 pm time slots. If you are new to teaching at SFU, don't miss them! Then cap off the day with TSSU's one and only TA/TM Day Social at the Diamond Alumni Centre at 4:30 pm for free dinner, free drinks, prizes, games, and more. After that, we're moving to Club Ilia at 8:00 pm. Come to one or both, get a free meal, and meet your fellow TAs and TMs. All TSSU members are invited, regardless of whether you attend TA/TM Day.

Find the schedule and full program at the Teaching & Learning Centre website.

Since 1978

The Teaching Support Staff Union (TSSU)