Spring 2019 Executive By-Election

We currently have two Executive positions open for by-election: Trustee II and Membership Mobilization Committee (MMC) Commissioner.

Positions are open to any TSSU member in good standing and are stipended. The nomination period runs from today, March 21, 2019 to next Thursday, March 28, 2019.

To nominate yourself, complete the attached nomination form and return to trustee@tssu.ca by March 28, 2019.
In addition, nominees may submit a brief candidate statement to trustee@tssu.ca by March 29, 2019.

Trustee II  (By-Law E.2.4) (term from April 2019-March 2020)
Stipended at $360/semester
Duties include (See By-Law E.2.4 for more details):

Membership Mobilization Committee (MMC) Commissioner (term from May 2019-November 2019)
Stipended at $100/month for first 6 hours + $20/hr for each hour thereafter up to a maximum of $1200 per month
Duties include (See By-Law E.2.6 for more details):

If you have any questions about the positions, please contact  trustee@tssu.ca.

Organizer (Two Candidates)i Chien Jade Ho 何宜謙 (Organizer)

Since 1978

The Teaching Support Staff Union (TSSU)