Spring 2015 Resource Page

Welcome to 2015! This post contains all the links and dates you need to get set up for your semester as a TSSU member.

Dates and Events

TSSU's Online Calendar: bookmark it and sync it to your phone or desktop calendar

Spring Semester Timeline: one page with all the important dates (also available in PDF)

TA/TM Day: six hours of PAID professional development, orientation, and workshops to train you for your TSSU appointment

Joint GSS/TSSU Social (after TA/TM Day)

General Membership Meetings (GMs) tentative dates


Resources and Services

Your Collective Agreement: as a searchable PDF!

Logbook to Track Your Hours: in spreadsheet format

Time Use Guidelines (TUG): fill out with your prof in the first two weeks of class! (in the Collective Agreement, p69 / p74)

Tuition Deferment Instructions: spread your tuition payments across the semester (the deadline to avoid a 2% tuition penalty is January 19th)

Opt out of Guard.me: avoid paying for an unnecessary private health plan (international students only)

Childcare Bursary: apply for support for childcare

TSSU Committees: help out your fellow workers and get paid for it


For more information on benefits and how to read your forms, visit the Resources page.

Since 1978

The Teaching Support Staff Union (TSSU)