SFU Final Budget Vote, Thursday March 21, 8:00 am @ Halpern Centre

On Thursday, March 21st, the SFU Board of Governors will hold its Final Budget Vote, to either approve or reject the Administration's proposed tuition increases. These hikes in tuition will hit every single student at SFU, from a 2% increase for domestic students--the maximum allowable by law--to 20% for many incoming international students.

Meet us in Maggie Benston Centre 2296 between 7:00 and 8:00 am for a Pancake Breakfast for students and allies provided by SFSS, or at the Halpern Centre at 8:00 am for the Final Budget Vote.

SFU Tuition Freeze Now is a coalition of undergrads, grad students, domestics, and internationals who have been fighting to stop these tuition hikes since they were first announced in October 2018. The whole campaign has led up to this Thursday.

The campaign needs you, your colleagues, and your students to be at the Final Budget Vote on Thursday morning to show the Board of Governors that voting for a tuition increase is unacceptable, and that SFU community will not tolerate this kind of attack on students.

For teachers, it is especially important to oppose these tuition hikes. They adversely affect our students, but they also adversely affect us. Over the past two decades, real wage increases for TAs, TMs, Sessional Instructors, and ELC/ITP Instructors have not kept pace with inflation or tuition increases:


Since 1978

The Teaching Support Staff Union (TSSU)