Hike To Survive!

Do you work at SFU? If there was a major disaster and bus service stopped, would you know how to escape the mountain? Join other TSSU members for the first annual “hike to survive” to learn what routes are available to leave campus in the event of a major disaster.

*WHAT: A guided walk downhill at a leisurely pace on well maintained trails. At Duthie, participants may either elect to return to SFU on the bus or walk back up with a hike leader.

*WHEN: Friday, June 7th st at 1:30 PM, lasting approximately 2 hours

*WHERE: Meet at the lower bus loop

*BRING: Comfortable shoes, dress in layers, a water bottle and snacks for yourself.

*DON’T: Wear heels or leather soled shoes.

*WHY ARE WE DOING THIS: A facility very near the roads leading to the SFU Campus, namely the TransMountain Pipeline Facility, poses a small but significant risk of dangerous chemical fire. In
the case of such a fire, all roads leading to and from campus would almost certainly be closed. The trails on the north side of campus may become the only way to escape alive. Not all employees are aware of the existence of these trails. Come enjoy a leisurely hike in ideal conditions, and learn about the risks associated with hiking down the mountain and how to avoid them.

This event is held on the unceded territory of the sḵwx̱wú7mesh, sel̓íl̓witulh, & xʷməθkʷəy̓əm nations. 

Accessibility Information:
- Children are welcome at the event. TSSU also provides small childcare subsidy for members to attend TSSU event. To apply: https://www.tssu.ca/childcare/

- For Non-student TSSU members (non-upass holders), TSSU has a trial travel subsidy program that reimburses $5 per trip for members who go to union events and committee meetings. To apply: https://www.tssu.ca/2019/04/09/tssu-trial-travel-subsidy-april-aug-2019/

- Accessible and gender-neutral washrooms available at SFU campus but not on the hike

- Due to the location, we cannot guarantee a scent-free environment, but we encourage members to refrain from wearing perfumes or any scents to the event.

- Safer space point people will be available at the event to help meet access needs and facilitate a safer space. 

Please don't hesitate to let us know if you have any specific needs and any suggestion on how we can make the event more accessible. 
To inquire, please email tssu@tssu.ca

Since 1978

The Teaching Support Staff Union (TSSU)