For Summer 2024: SFU's tuition payment deadline before late fees are charged is May 17, 2024. Please ensure to enroll on tuition deferment as soon as possible. 

Research Assistants: We need to win this right through bargaining! Email tssu@tssu.ca to get involved!.


You have the option to pay off your tuition/fees throughout the entire semester while avoiding any penalties. TSSU members have wanted a tuition waiver in past rounds of bargaining, but SFU agreed to this system of tuition deferment only. To access tuition deferment, you must ensure that you do the following:

You can pay with any combination of deduction and payment that you like (eg: you can pay a flat amount at the start, and then the rest through tuition deferment).


Any TSSU member (except Research Assistants) with a current employment contract who is also a graduate student can set up tuition deferment.


Log in at myINFO (myinfo.sfu.ca)

  1. Click Payroll
  2. Click Voluntary Deductions 
  3. Add Deduction
  4. Complete the form and submit it.   NOTE: You can modify your deduction by submitting a new form.


As soon as you have access to myINFO you can set up tuition deferment. You can set up a regular deduction (minimum $1) or change the deduction amount as often as you want. In order to avoid late penalties, you must set up tuition deferment as soon as possible and ensure that your tuition/fees are fully paid by the last paycheque of the semester.

SFU's current payroll schedule, which includes all the dates on which you will be paid, can be found here


SFU's website provides a detailed FAQ. If you cannot sign in, it is likely that your contract has not been entered into the system. In this case, you should check with your department. Often, this is not done until the first week of the semester (a few days before your first paycheque). The payroll start date is indicated on your copy of the contract.

If you have any problems, please contact us.

Since 1978

The Teaching Support Staff Union (TSSU)