SFU Closes ELC and ITP Programs in shocking move

As part of so-called "budget cuts," SFU has unilaterally decided to close two long-standing programs English Language and Culture (ELC), and Interpretation and Translation (ITP) this summer. This decision was made with no consultation with the union, and means nearly 20 continuing instructors and an additional 20 long-standing temporary instructors will lose their jobs. The continuing instructors have an average of 16 years of service and during those years have made immense contributions to our community while bringing in substantial revenue to the University. We are working with the instructors and affected stakeholders to question and to try to reverse this shocking decision. In parallel, TSSU is working to negotiate a fair compensation scheme that respects these instructors' many years of service, should SFU decide to close the programs anyways.

As part of that effort ELC/ITP Alumni and supporters have been adding letters of support and we encourage all to read about the deep impacts of these callous cuts on long-standing programs that have contributed so much to the community.

Several media outlets have covered this closure announcement:

If you are available to help with the effort to reverse this decision, or were a student in ELC or ITP, please get in touch with the ELC/ITP Steward Scott Yano at: scotty@tssu.ca

Since 1978

The Teaching Support Staff Union (TSSU)