TSSU Day in Surrey

In conjunction with the upcoming June 12 General Membership Meeting in Surrey, the Membership Mobilization Committee is hosting TSSU Day in SUR 3280 from 10:30 am to 4:00 pm. This multi-workshop event is free and open to all TSSU members. There will be interactive presentations on a number of diverse topics spanning many aspects of University life, from teaching and course design to contract negotiations and workplace safety campaigns.

The TSSU Day schedule will run as follows:

10:30 - 11:30 -- Intro to Contract & Bargaining
11:30 - 1:00 -- Anti-Oppression Course Design
1:00 - 1:30 -- Lunch
1:30 - 2:30 -- Teaching Writing-Intensive Courses
2:30 - 2:45 -- Break
2:45 - 4:00 -- Intro to "Illegal SFU" Campaign

Lunch and snacks will be provided for free. You are welcome to come for all of the day or any part of the day. All time spent in workshops is stipended at the standard MMC rate!

The General Membership Meeting will follow in SUR 5240 from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm. As always, free dinner will also be served at the Meeting.

If you have any questions about TSSU Day, please contact the Organizer at organizer@tssu.ca.

The TSSU 2019 Bargaining Survey is now available

UPDATE: It appears that a number of people have found errors and/or had problems with the functionality of the TSSU Bargaining Survey. We're working as quickly as possible to fix the Survey and make it more user-friendly and accessible. As members you have the right to express your thoughts and opinions as clearly as possible about the Collective Agreement, TSSU, and your work at SFU. Thank you to everyone who has contacted us with their concerns regarding this matter.

The TSSU 2019 Bargaining Survey is now available. This is a valuable opportunity for you as individual members to share your thoughts about the Collective Agreement and your work experience as a Teaching Assistant, Tutor Marker, Sessional Instructor, or English Language & Culture/Interpretation & Translation Program Instructor. As TSSU prepares to go into bargaining with the SFU administration early next year, we need your input about what you would like to see in the next Collective Agreement.

During our last round of bargaining, TSSU won some of the strongest Sessional Seniority rights in North America, ensuring that Sessional Instructor appointments are given on the basis of seniority as course instructors, not departmental politics. We've also won a TA appointment priority system that ensures grad student work goes to grad students, paid compensation for overwork, 100% MSP coverage for international students, and more!

All current TSSU members should have received an email inviting them to participate in the Survey. If you did not receive this email or are unsure whether you should have, please contact us at tssu@tssu.ca or visit our Burnaby office in AQ 5129.


Call for CGEU and COCAL Conference Self-Nominations

This August, TSSU will send delegates to the annual conferences of the Coalition of Contingent Academic Labor (COCAL) in San Jose, CA from August 3 - 5, and the Coalition of Graduate Employee Unions (CGEU) in New York City from August 16 - 19. At the conferences, delegates will participate in workshops and discussions with members from other graduate employee and precarious academic labour unions, learn about working conditions at other colleges and universities, and gain and develop new strategies for building workers' power on-campus and off.

We are looking for self-nominations of TSSU members who wish to attend either conference. At the March 22, 2018 General Membership Meeting, members voted to cover attendees' transportation, accommodation, and per diem costs through the TSSU annual budget, so no member should feel unable to apply for financial reason.

Applications should be one to two paragraphs in length, and include the following:

The deadline for nominations is Friday, May 25th at 12:00 noon.

Please submit all self-nominations by email to organizer@tssu.ca.