The nomination period for the Spring 2021 cycle of TSSU Executive elections is now open! TSSU is accepting nominations for the following positions: Secretary, Treasurer, Chief Steward II, Organizer I, Ex Officio, Trustee II and SSJC Commissioner (See below for descriptions).

Who can run?

Positions are open to any member in good standing. More information is summarized below as well as in the By-Laws.

Nomination Process

As of the January GM (January 28th), nominations for the election are open, and they close at the February GM (February 24th). All members in good standing can run by filling out this nomination form and emailing to before the February GM. Verbal Nominations will be allowed during the GM.

Election Timeline

What if I Have Questions?
Thinking about running for a position, but want more information? Email and we’d be happy to answer your questions!


Secretary - 5hr/week

The Secretary shall be responsible for ensuring that accurate minutes for GM and Executive meetings are taken and distributed at subsequent meetings. The duty of taking minutes shall be shared between the Salaried Officers of the TSSU and the Secretary. The Secretary shall maintain a current file of all GM and Executive Minutes in the TSSU office, as well as keep a record of, and remind the Executive of, resolutions passed at these meetings. The Secretary shall facilitate access to information of past precedent and resolutions on previous meetings, and thereby assist the Ex-Officio in maintaining institutional memory. The Secretary must be a signee on all legal documentation for the union, and shall also have financial signing authority.

Treasurer - 10hr/week

The Treasurer shall be responsible for the maintenance of an accurate and proper internal bookkeeping system and for coordination with the external bookkeeper. This bookkeeping system shall be set up under the instruction of the Executive. The Treasurer shall present financial statements to the first GM of each semester and shall circulate an audited financial report to the TSSU in September of each year. This report shall be read at the September GM. The Treasurer shall be responsible for creating and submitting the Union’s annual budget to the February GM of each year. The Treasurer will work in consultation with the Coordinator in carrying out these duties. The Treasurer shall be a member of the Finance Committee.

Chief Steward II - Salaried Officer, 25hr/week

The Chief Stewards shall be jointly responsible for knowledge of the Collective Agreement, Health and Safety regulations, and other relevant legislation. They will be responsible for communicating monthly updates on the status of ongoing grievances to the Executive and General Membership in order to facilitate mobilization and organizing. Both shall also be responsible for the Grievance Procedure including meetings, research, and legal activities. Both shall work in conjunction with the Member Representative to ensure member rights are enforced and protected as outlined in the Collective Agreement. The two Chief Stewards in consultation with the Member Representative will also be responsible for maintaining any seniority lists and for checking position postings in relation to the Collective Agreement. Each semester, these two officers shall mutually agree on the division of the responsibility for the following tasks:

Organizer I - Salaried Officer, 25hr/week

Organizer I and Organizer II shall jointly be responsible for: 1) coordinating union campaigns and new member organizing drives; 2) the development and maintenance of membership networks; and 3) working with other parts of TSSU to achieve goals set by the membership. Each semester these officers shall agree on the division of duties outlined below.

(a) Coordination of union campaigns and new member organizing drives, including:

(b) Development and maintenance of membership networks, including:

(c) Working with other parts of TSSU to achieve goals set by the membership, including:

Ex Officio - Stipended

The Ex-Officio, or advisor to the Executive, is intended to improve continuity between out-going and incoming Executives, particularly regarding reasons for previous Executive decisions. The Ex-Officio helps to ensure the non-hierarchical nature of the TSSU by maintaining an institutional memory based on lived experience. The Ex-Officio is a stipended, non-voting position to be filled by any member who served on the Executive during the previous twelve (12) months.

Trustee II - 5hr/week

The two Trustees shall ensure that the TSSU By-Laws are adhered to and be responsible for keeping these same By-Laws up-to-date. They shall also ensure that proper procedures are adhered to at GMs in accordance with Bourinot’s rules. Trustees must have the ability to obtain all non-email account passwords that pertain to common union business. Trustees will have access to membership lists and will only make changes to the lists in consultation with the Coordinator.They shall oversee the work done by Executive Members and report any atypical decisions to the General Membership of the Union. They shall be involved with the scheduling and publication of GMs in conjunction with the salaried officers; and schedule and oversee all elections/referenda. The Trustees shall be responsible for inspecting the financial records of the TSSU on a monthly basis in consultation with the Coordinator. One Trustee shall be a member of the Internal Relations Committee and the other shall be a member of the Finance Committee.

Solidarity and Social Justice Commissioner - Stipended

The Solidarity & Social Justice Commissioner (SSJC Commissioner) shall be responsible for coordinating the activities of the Solidarity & Social Justice Committee. The Solidarity & Social Justice Commissioner shall call meetings and ensure that meetings are chaired and minuted. The Solidarity & Social Justice Commissioner shall coordinate with union volunteers, outside allies, events, and vendors to further the goals of the Solidarity & Social Justice Committee. The Solidarity & Social Justice Commissioner shall attend Executive meetings and act as a liaison between the Executive and the Solidarity and Social Justice Committee in conjunction with the Organizer. The Solidarity & Social Justice Commissioner shall also act as liaison between the Solidarity & Social Justice Committee and other TSSU committees to facilitate the flow of information between committees and the General Membership.

Since 1978

The Teaching Support Staff Union (TSSU)