Support letter from GSS

TSSU is very happy to receive this public show of support from SFU's Graduate Student Society. Thank you, GSS!


GSS letter 2015-Dec-08

Final Offer Selection and Arbitration Hearing

Final Offer"During the month of November, TSSU met for bargaining with SFU Administration as part of the terms of Final Offer Selection (FOS). The Administration agreed to complete the changes to TA/TM Priority and the Centralized posting system that were left incomplete at the end of the 2012 bargaining round. While SFU Administration initially expressed interest in addressing TSSU’s other core issues, they withdrew their counter-proposals just before FOS, reverting to the status quo on all other items. This unwillingness to change is a continuation of SFU Administration’s pattern of behaviour over the last 15 years of Labour Relations.

On November 27th, your Contract Committee and the SFU Administration appeared before arbitrator Vince Ready for full-day FOS hearing..."

Click here for the full update.

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission

The TSSU is proud to have sent this letter to Mr. Justin Trudeau:

GM 2015-DEC-01 TRC letter

The TSSU's letter to Mr. Justin Trudeau regarding the Truth and Reconciliation Commission